I have admired, feared, loathed, loved, and longed to be the Proverbs 31 woman.

This is a record of my personal path to becoming the woman God has created me to be.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Baby Steps

Ok, here goes..... I have been thinking lately about who I am /vs/ who I want to be and what I need to do to become that person and I've come to a few realizations....

I have very high expectations of myself, but get frustrated and tend to throw in the towel if I don't meet those expectations. I have a clear vision of what our home and our family should look like and I know it will take some sacrifices, a lot of work, and getting past the frustration of the changes coming slower than I think they should. I'm ready to dive in. Lord, help me!

I need to put in here somewhere (and why not here?) that I'm married to an incredible man of God :) Eric loves me unconditionally, is a hard worker, a good provider, a wonderful daddy, he's intelligent, kind, compassionate, thoughtful, creative, he's honest & trustworthy, he is one of the funniest people I know AND HE IS FINE! The whole package! He wasn't always this person... but, then, I wasn't always this awesome either ;) We've been together since 1998, had three beautiful children and then got married in 2007. Ok, so we did things backwards.... but we did it! Since we've been obedient to the Lord in this, we have seen so many blessings in our lives, not the least of which is our strengthened relationship and greater love for one another (I didn't even think it was possible!) God is good, and we are earnestly seeking Him in our lives and raising our children to know, trust, and live for Him.

Here's another realization for you: I'm a rambler... can you tell this is my first blog? I haven't written this much of anything since I was on the newspaper staff in highschool. I hope I get better at this or it could turn into another something that is supposed to help me but just takes up time that I ought to actually be DOING something.

Ok, as this is my first official post, I will briefly summarize what (I hope) will be included in future posts; I love to cook, so there will be recipes; I sew and have a HUGE stash of fabric that I'm making myself use up before I buy more fabric, so there will be photos (and maybe tutorials? that might be pushing it) of my projects; I homeschool my three fabulous kids, so I'm sure I will share some stories (wisdom?) from that; I am married to the aforementioned hottie, Eric, and you can pretty much bank on the fact that at any given moment my pupils will turn to hearts, the blood will rush to my head, I'll blush and grin to myself and not be able to keep from telling you what wonderful thing he just did. Yeah, I just threw up in my mouth a little, too..

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