I have admired, feared, loathed, loved, and longed to be the Proverbs 31 woman.

This is a record of my personal path to becoming the woman God has created me to be.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

sewing & cussing

Ok, so as I've mentioned in previous posts, I love to sew. I have the cutest little model and I can't resist the temptation to dress her in funky prints and see her twirl around in something I lovingly created for her :) But.... I suck. I have made a couple of things that have actually turned out pretty good and I do get people asking if I sell my wares everytime she wears one of these things. What they don't understand is that for every cute-sy outfit you see in public, there are at least 4 that have been abandoned and put back in the fabric stash. I think my big problem as a seamstress is that I can't see that a problem has surfaced until it is all finished and either it's too late to fix it or I'm cross-eyed and burned out. It is infuriating.
I have been working on a pair of pants for the girl and, if they turn out as planned, they will be the cutest thing EVER :) My husband gently pointed out to me last night that "they're looking kind' long, don't you think?" yes, smarty-pants, they are. I tried one leg on her this morning and he's right. I've said it before (under my breath and with a couple of choice expletives) my seam ripper is my BFF :)
I'm having a hard time balancing my domestic-godessness, though. If I sew for three days straight, I don't get any laundry done and I barely cook or play with the kids. What's the answer? Doing everything else during the day & staying up until 2am to sew?? I don't know...
What I do know is this: If the girl is this high maintenance at 5, I'd better start praying now about her teen years. Good gravy, I must leave the computer now to stop that sound! It goes something like this "UUUHHHH!" (it's kind of a gutteral sound) "Saaaaaaam!" (same gutteral sound, yelling at her oldest brother) "IT"S MINE!!!!" (this was more of a high-pitched wail). I need more coffee.


  1. LOL--high maintenance at 5: start to discourage now! That's the lesson I learned with my 10yr old and now the other 2 girls...well let's just say there is a prayer hotline about them all going on!

    I give my husband the laundry chore when I want to sew...or I sew on the weekend and make him in charge of food. Somewhere in the last 10 yrs I've found a balance that works (but with first child I had lots of 2am sewing sessions!)

    You'll find your balance too!

  2. sorry if you get multiple comments from me I keep somehow deleting my comment before I post it! Anyway, I am in La and don't worry you will slowly learn from your mistakes, and you will be able to spot problems before you even do it...well maybe that's an exagerration, but you know what i mean! lol As for housework, I use a combination of flylady (free) and motivated moms (mm is $8/yr). Flylady really helps me to find balance and mm is basically a way for me to do the housework on auto pilot without getting overwhelmed and ending up not doing anything. I just check off the list and whatever isn't on it can wait till the next day. But what's really nice is I often have such a sense of accomplishment after that list is checked off I just keep going! Good luck! Just keep praying, and He will help you find that balance!

  3. I've done flylady before and I did okay with it for awhile. And then I took off my shoes in protest and never went back. LOL

  4. Thank you for the encouragement, ladies. It's nice to know I'm not alone. and that someone (TWO someones) actually read my rantings :) I'm giddy about it!

  5. My days sound a log like your days - a lot of rushing, half finished projects... but it's ok. We're not perfect. I have tried Fly Lady before, but it is just too overwhelming to me. I had to take myself off the mailing list. I might check out Motivated Moms. But I probably won't. My house stays pretty messy, and I do the "dash and stash" when someone comes over, but it's ok. Maybe if I had a month off of work and no kid around, I could get everything done. Oh well! We'll just keep plugging along!


WOW! Someone is actually reading this?!?