I have admired, feared, loathed, loved, and longed to be the Proverbs 31 woman.

This is a record of my personal path to becoming the woman God has created me to be.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 2

Ok, 'she' didn't have a car. I think that's what it pretty much boils down to. If we lived in a village and could get whatever we needed there and never had to leave that 2 square miles, I'd be good. I'd be 'her.' As it is, I have 3 children, whom I homeschool, 2 of whom play football 3 days a week, have chess club every other week, and I have the typical 'errands' we all do these days. Oh, yeah, and add to all of that the fact that I keep a toddler 3 days a week from 8-5 and inevitably have others because I'm the only 'SAHM' in my circle of friends. I don't mind it at all. In fact, I enjoy it but it does add to the madness. When do I have time to get ALL the laundry caught up? Please don't remind me that 'she' had to do hers by hand.
I feel like my day should look like this:
Get up at 5am with Eric, make coffee, make his lunch, kiss him goodbye, start a load of laundry, wake the kids & COOK their breakfast (as opposed to making them pour their own bowl of cheerios), figure out what I'll be fixing for dinner, have a devotion with the kids before we start our day, change out laundry while the youngin's do their morning chores, do some 'school', LAUNDRY, fix lunch, maybe some more 'school', then of course MORE LAUNDRY, at this point I should probably run the vacuum around and do some straightening up, start dinner, kiss my husband when he walks in the door at 6pm, serve a delicious & nutritious dinner, clean up after said dinner, play a board game or something else for some 'family time', bathe children, tuck them in, spend some time with Eric, and then go to bed with him and wow him with my sexual prowess instead of staying up until midnight or later either sewing & cussing or reading. Get up at 5am...
Here is a typical* day at my house: Eric's alarm goes off at 5am, I poke him until he gets up and shuts it off. Eric gets up and makes coffee and searches high and low for matching socks while I put a pillow over my head and go back to sleep. My alarm goes off at 7, at which time I hit the snooze. I get up at 7:10 and have a cup of coffee before my extra kid comes at 7:30. I get on the computer with my 2nd cup of coffee, the kids start waking up and fix their own breakfasts (which totally destroys my kitchen), I fuss at the kids to do their morning chores (feed & water animals, walk dog, empty dishwasher), at this point I look at my kitchen and turn around and walk out. I need more coffee. I may or may not fold the 2-3 loads of clean laundry on the sunroom couch and if i do, I probably won't put it away. I get another cup of coffee and get back on the computer because it might be my turn on Facebook Scrabble. Some time before lunch someone will call and say they are coming over. I go into what my kids have dubbed 'speed clean mode.' Every able body claims a room and picks up (and hopefully puts away) all the crap lying around, of course this is a result of constant 'direction' and sometimes my direction-giving is loud. I go from room to room dusting & vacuuming. Then I spot check the hall bathroom. Dang, do they EVER learn to aim?? Then I put on a handmade apron and make cookies because when my guest arrives I want to look like Susie homemaker. Guest stays, has some coffee (keep in mind, I'm probably on my 5th cup by now), eats the cookies that took me 15 minutes to make and marvels at my skills. Guest leaves and I freak out because it's 4:30, I haven't started dinner and the boys have to be at football (or if it's Wednesday, we all have to be at church) at 6pm. I throw something mildly nutritious on the table and rush out the door. I may or may not see Eric in passing. We get home from whatever it is we were doing around 8:30, I may put on a pot of coffe and then throw kicking & screaming kids in the shower, force them to bed and get on the computer to take my turn in Scrabble. Eric & I sometimes watch a movie together, but that usually ends up with him snoring on the other end of the couch and me poking him until he gets up and stumbles to bed. Sometimes I follow him there, sometimes I stay up sewing & cussing.
Ok, I just read over that and I think it's clear that I drink too much coffee. And probably play to much online Scrabble.

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